Page 105 - 北京京煤集团总医院第十一届·2023学术年会论文集
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北京京煤集团总医院 第十一届·2023 学术年会论文集
王鹏,刘安恒,罗建平,石红坡,郭勍(北京京煤集团总医院,北京 102300)
氢钠片联合水化治疗对造影剂肾病 CIN(Contrast induced nephropathy)是否有预防作用。方法:
选取 2020 年 06 月~2022 年 12 月本院收治的合并轻中度肾功能不全的冠心病患者共 100
例。随机分为 2 组:A 组围手术期给予水化联合口服碳酸氢钠片治疗,B 组单纯水化治疗。
两组水化治疗速度均为 1ml/(kg·min)。 结果:两组患者均成功完成手术,两组患者在性别、
年龄、术前血肌酐水平、造影剂用量均无统计学差异。最终 A 组 46 例患者无 CIN 发生,B
组 54 例患者 8 例发生 CIN,其中 A 组、B 组 CIN 发生率分别为 0%、14%(P=0.019),有
Study on renal protection of sodium bicarbonate tablets after coronary angiography
Wang peng,Liu an heng,Luo jian ping,Shi hong po,Guo qing
Beijing Jingmei Group General Hospital,Beijing 102300,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore whether oral sodium bicarbonate tablets combined with hydration
treatment during perioperative period has the preventive effect on CIN(Contrast induced
nephropathy) in patients with coronary heart disease complicated with mild to moderate renal
insufficiency by coronary angiography. Methods A total of 100 coronary heart disease patients with
mild to moderate renal insufficiency admitted to our hospital from June 2020 to December 2022
were selected. They were randomly divided into 2 groups: Group A was treated with hydration
combined with oral sodium bicarbonate tablets during perioperative period, group B was treated
with hydration alone. The hydration treatment rate in both groups was 1ml/ (kg·min). Results All
patients in the two groups successfully completed the operation, and there were no statistical
differences between the two groups in gender, age, preoperative serum creatinine level and contrast
agent dosage. In the end, 46 patients in group A had no CIN, and 8 patients in group B had CIN,
among which the incidence of CIN in group A and Group B were 0% and 14% respectively (P =
0.019), showing statistical difference. Conclusion Perioperative administration of sodium
bicarbonate tablets combined with hydration therapy has a protective effect on renal function and
can prevent the occurrence of contrast nephropathy.
[Key words] Sodium Bicarbonate Tablets;coronary angiogram;renal insufficiency;radiographic
contrast nephropathy
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