Page 246 - 北京京煤集团总医院第十一届·2023学术年会论文集
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北京京煤集团总医院 第十一届·2023 学术年会论文集
177 例脂溢性角化病临床病理分析
邓桂霞,杜桂清,王秋红,邵林娟,田森,乔婷婷(北京京煤集团总医院病理科,北京 102300)
【摘要】目的:探讨脂溢性角化病临床、病理特征。方法:回顾 177 例经组织病理学诊断为
脂溢性角化病患者的病理资料,分析其临床及病理特征。 结果:本组 177 例脂溢性角化病,
发病年龄 50 岁及以上者 141 例 ( 79.7%);皮损多见于头颈面部 101 例 ( 57.1%)、躯干 56 例
(31.6%);病理类型中棘层肥厚型 97 例 ( 54.8%),角化过度型 38 例(21.5%); 177 例患者
中 137 例(77%)临床与病理诊断一致,临床误诊为寻常疣 21 例(11.7%),色素痣 15 例
(8.3%); 177 例患者中有 12 例(6.8%)合并其它恶性肿瘤。结论:脂溢性角化病的发病率
【关键词】脂溢性角化病;临床;病理 ;鉴别诊断;恶性肿瘤;
[Abstract] Obejective:To axplore the clinical and pathological features of seborrheic keratosis
(SK). Methods : The review the pathological date of 177 cases of SK diagnosed by
histopatholology, and analyze their clinical and pathological features. Results:There were 177
cases of SK in this group, of which 141 were aged 50 years or above(79.7%); Skin lesions were
more common in head ,neck and face in 101 cases(57.1%), and in body in 56 cases(31.6%);Among
the pathological types, there were 97 cases(54.8%)of hypertrophic spinous layer and 38
cases(21.5%)of hyperkeratosis; Of 177 patients,137(77%)were diagnosed as common by clinical
and pathological diagnosis, and were misdiagnosed as commom; there were 21 cases of verruca
vulgaris (11.7%) and 15 cases of pigmented nevus(8.3%); Among 177 patients with SK,12 patients
were complicated with Other malignant tumors. Conclusion:The incidence of SK is positively
correlated with age, and the skin exposure area is significantly higher than that of non-exposed area.
The most commom pathological type was hypertrophic spinous layer; SK is easily misdiagnosed as
verruca vulgaris , pigmented nevus; Histopathological examination plays an important role in
diagnosis and differential diagnosis; SK also has the possibility of complicated with malignant
tumor, and the incidence of malignant tumor increases with age.
[Key words] seborrheic keratosis ; clinical; pathology; differential diagnosis;malignant tumor;
脂溢性角化病(seborrheic keratosis SK)又名老年疣、基底细胞乳头状瘤,是一种多发
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