Page 308 - 北京京煤集团总医院第十届·2022学术年会论文集
P. 308

北京京煤集团总医院                                              第十届·2022 学术年会论文集

                   evaluate the severity of tinnitus and the degree of disability. The tinnitus loudness before and after

                   treatment was detected in the two groups, the clinical efficacy was evaluated, and related adverse

                   reactions were statistically analyzed. Results There was no significant difference in THI score and
                   tinnitus loudness between the two groups before treatment (P>0.05). After 4 weeks of treatment,

                   the THI score and tinnitus loudness of the two groups were significantly decreased compared with
                   before treatment (P< 0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two groups (P>

                   0.05).  Before  treatment,  there  was  no  significant  difference  in  the  degree  of  tinnitus  disability

                   between the two groups (P> 0.05). After 4 weeks of treatment, the slight and mild disabilities were

                   increased  in  both  groups,  while  the  moderate,  severe  and  extremely  severe  disabilities  were

                   decreased. After treatment, the proportion of grade 1 was significantly increased in both groups (P

                   <0.05), and the proportion of grade 3 was significantly decreased in both groups (P< 0.05). However,

                   there was no significant difference between groups (P> 0.05). There was no significant difference

                   in the total effective rate between the two groups (P> 0.05). The incidence of vertigo and local pain

                   in  the  tympanic  group  was  significantly  higher  than  that  in  the  retroauricular  group  (P<0.05).

                   Conclusion Both the retroauricular and tympanic injections of methylprednisolone can improve the

                   severity and disability of tinnitus, reduce the tinnitus loudness, and have the same effect. However,
                   there are fewer adverse reactions related to the retroauricular injection and the overall safety is better

                   than tympanic injection.
                   Keywords:  Chronic  primary  tinnitus;  methylprednisolone;  retroauricular  injection;  tympanic

                   injection; clinical efficacy; safety

                       耳鸣是指在无相应的外界声源或电刺激,而主观上在耳内或颅内有声音感觉 。我们通

                   起躯体及心理等不适          [2-3] 。根据病程的长短可将耳鸣分为急性期和慢性期,通常将耳鸣持续存

                   在>6 个月作为慢性耳鸣的标准 。慢性原发性耳鸣缺乏根治手段,但可通过药物治疗、掩蔽

                   [5-6] 。目前药物治疗仍是临床治疗耳鸣的主要手段,糖皮质激素能有效抑制炎症,减轻局部

                   水肿,改善内耳微循环,现已成为治疗急性耳鸣的常规用药 ,但其治疗慢性原发性耳鸣是



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