Page 228 - 北京京煤集团总医院第十届·2022学术年会论文集
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北京京煤集团总医院                                              第十届·2022 学术年会论文集

                   pathway enrichment analyses with a cutoff of P < 0.05. The GO functional analyses included BP,

                   CC, and MF.

                   2.4.  PPI network
                       The PPI network was built using the STRING database (17) with a threshold of confidence

                   score > 0.4 to analyze the protein–protein interactions between the overlapped DEGs, and the PPI
                   network  was  shown  by  Cytoscape  [18].  In  addition,  based  on  the  maximal  clique  centrality

                   algorithm in the Cytohubba plug-in of Cytoscape [18], hub genes were identified from the PPI


                   2.5.  Identification of transcription factor (TF)-gene, miRNAs-gene interaction

                       The NetworkAnalyst website [19] was used to analyze the TFs and miRNAs of the overlapped

                   DEGs, and the TF-gene and miRNA-gene interaction networks were built.

                   2.6.  Drug–gene interaction and related diseases

                       The  overlapped  DEGs  also  served  as  promising  targets  for  searching  drugs  through  the

                   DSigDB database [20] with an adjusted cutoff value, P < 0.05. In addition, the overlapping DEGs

                   were input into the DisGeNET database [21] to investigate the diseases associated with overlapping


                   3.  Results

                   3.1.  DEGs in COVID-19 and asthma
                       A total of 2,486 DEGs were screened between the SARS-CoV-2 uninfected and infected groups,

                   containing 1,442 upregulated and 1,044 downregulated DEGs (Figure 2A). A total of 1,052 DEGs

                   were identified from patients with severe asthma and healthy controls, comprising 466 upregulated

                   and 586 downregulated DEGs (Figure 2B). Moreover, 135 overlapped DEGs were  obtained by

                   determining the DEG intersection between the GSE147507 and GSE143303 datasets (Figure 2C).

                   Figure 2. Identification of differentially expressed genes (DEGs). A: Volcano plot of DEGs in

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