Page 197 - 北京京煤集团总医院第十一届·2023学术年会论文集
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北京京煤集团总医院                                                          第十一届·2023 学术年会论文集

                   SYSMEX UC-3500 及 UF-4000 全自动尿液分析仪智能审核


                            陈雪,史光华,姜慧英*(北京京煤集团总医院检验科,北京 102300)

                   【摘要】目的: 对        SYSMEX 干化学 UC-3500 及流式 UF-4000 全自动尿液分析仪智能审核规
                   则和有效性进行验证。方法:收集 2021 年 5 月 14 号至 2021 年 6 月 16 号的门诊新鲜尿液

                   标本共 303 份,采用双盲法,验证干化学定性结果等级以及尿有形成分数量范围一致性的复
                   检规则。然后通过再次检测 9206 份尿液标本,对规则有效性进行验证分析。结果:经过统

                   计分析,得出真阳性率 35.97%(109/303),假阳性率 18.48%(56/303),真阴性率 42.90%
                   (130/303),假阴性率 2.64%(8/303),复检率 43.56%(132/303)。经验证:镜检率 8.17%

                   (752/9206),无效审核 0.00%,有效拦截率 93.58%(8615/9206)、仪器无效拦截 0.00%, 一
                   致性 100%。结论:假阴性率 2.64%(<5%)符合要求,本实验室全自动尿液分析仪的智能

                   审核规则验证通过。无效拦截率及无效审核率为 0.00%以及一致(100%)性高,本规则有效


                    The Validation of Sysmex UC-3500 and UF-4000 automatic urine analyzer intelligent audit
                                                  rules and effectiveness

                   [Abstract] Objective:The intelligent auditing rules and validity of Sysmex dry chemical UC -
                   3500 and flow UF-4000 automatic urine analyzer were verified. Methods:A total of 303 fresh

                   urine samples were collected from outpatient clinics 2021 May 14 to June 16 of the 2021.Double-
                   blind method was used to Set up a review rule for the consistency of the qualitative results of dry
                   chemistry and the quantitative range of urinary formed components. Results:The results showed

                   that the true positive rate was 35.97% (109/303) , the false positive rate was 18.48% (56/303) , the
                   true  negative  rate  was  42.90%  (130/303)  ,  the  false  negative  rate  was  2.64%  (8/303)  ,  the
                   reexamination reexamination rate was 43.56% (132/303).The microscopic examination rate was

                   8.17% (752/9206) , the invalid examination rate was 0.00% , the effective interception rate was
                   93.58% (8615/9206) , the instrument ineffective interception rate was 0.00% , the consistency was
                   100% were verified. Conclusions: The false negative rate was 2.64%,this meets the requirements,
                   the intelligent audit rules of the automatic urine analyzer in our laboratory has been verified. The

                   invalid interception rate and the invalid audit rate are 0.00% and the consistency (100%) is high, the
                   validity of this rules is verified and No adjustments are required. After screening the specimen
                   needed  by  the  instrument,  the  efficiency  of  urine  examination  can  be  improved,  and  the
                   reexamination rate can be decreased, so the clinical applicability can be improved.

                   [Keywords] Recheck rules; Dry chemical analysis of urine; Flow cytometric analysis of urine; False
                   positive; False negative

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