Page 445 - 北京京煤集团总医院第十届·2022学术年会论文集
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北京京煤集团总医院 第十届·2022 学术年会论文集
韩雪,闫冰*,昌彬(北京京煤集团总医院急诊科,北京 102399)
课题达成型品管圈活动产生实施方策提高急诊与病房沟通效率。选择 2021 年 2 月-12 月份
急诊科抢救间就诊患者 10562 人,连续观察:(1)每月急诊抢救间床位饱和频次;(2)入
院患者急诊抢救间滞留时间;结果:方策实施后,2021 年 4-12 月份,前述两项指标较实施
前有显著下降 (P﹤0.05 )。结论:通过提高与病房的沟通效率活动可以减轻急诊滞留,缓解
Practical study on improving Emergency Department Crowding by information
communication mechanism of Emergency Department Boarding
Han Xue,Yan Bing*, Chang Bin
Emergency Department,Beijing Jingmei Group General Hospital,No.18 HeishanDajie,Mentougou
Objective: To reduce the overcrowding in the emergency department(ED) by establishing the
information communication mechanism with other departments for emergency department
boarding(EDB) Methods: An activity plan was developed and implemented based on qualitycontrol
circle with project achievement style during the period from February to December 2021.10562
visits were included in the analysis. The frequency of no beds available in the emergence room (ER)
and the emergency department boarding time were continuously observed per month. Results: The
two indicators were significantly reduced from April to December 2021 (P﹤0.05). Conclusion:
The length of EDB can be reduced by making communication with the ward more efficient.
Key words: Emergency Department Crowding, Emergency Department Boarding, Quality Control
Circle with Project Achievement Style
综合医院急诊拥挤是全球范围内急诊医学广泛存在的严峻问题 2-6 。在我国,三级医院急
诊拥挤问题更加突出。王程志等 针对性提出符合我国实际情况的急诊拥挤定义:由于急诊
科空间和人力容量不能满足急诊患者正常的就诊需求, 而导致急诊科医患之间供需失衡、患
而急诊滞留时间 5-6 (Emergency Department Boarding EDB Time),指经急诊诊疗及评
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