Page 203 - 北京京煤集团总医院第十届·2022学术年会论文集
P. 203

北京京煤集团总医院                                              第十届·2022 学术年会论文集

                         甲乙型流感对患儿肌酸激酶不同影响病例报道 1 例

                           吴亚楠,袁红梅,焦素敏(北京京煤集团总医院儿科,北京市  102300)


                   传播,传播速度快,流行呈一定的季节性,每年 10 月我国各地陆续进入流感流行季节,虽


                   现不同程度升高,但乙型流感病毒感染后血肌酸激酶升高近 20 倍,经积极治疗后肌酸激酶





                     A case report of different effects of influenza A and B on creatine  kinase in


                   【Abstract】Influenza is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus, which

                   has a short incubation period and spreads quickly through respiratory droplets, and the epidemic is

                   seasonal. Every October, all parts of our country enter the influenza epidemic season one after

                   another. Although most of the infection with influenza virus is self-limited. there are still a few
                   cases of severe influenza. Children are at high risk of influenza virus infection. This paper reports a

                   case of a child who was successively infected with influenza A and influenza B within four months.

                   the serum creatine kinase increased in varying degrees after infection, however, the serum creatine

                   kinase  increased  nearly  20  times  after  infection  with  influenza  B  virus.  after  active  treatment,

                   creatine kinase decreased to normal, and there were no sequelae, so it was diagnosed as severe

                   influenza  and  acute  benign  myositis.  This  case  is  used  to  suggest  clinicians'  understanding  of

                   different changes of creatine kinase caused by different influenza, review the diagnostic criteria of

                   severe influenza, and guard against the emergence of severe influenza and its complications, so as

                   to provide reference for clinical work.

                   【Key words】Influenza A virus,Influenza B virus,creatine kinase,Child,Acute benign myositis



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