Page 9 - 北京京煤集团总医院第十一届·2023学术年会论文集
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北京京煤集团总医院                                                          第十一届·2023 学术年会论文集

                   asthma (Figure 3A) (P < 0.05). In addition, the immune function scores of the two groups were
                   compared. The results revealed that, in the healthy group, the participants’ APC co-stimulation,

                   immune checkpoint, and T cell co-inhibition scores were significantly higher than in patients with
                   severe asthma (Figure 3B) (P < 0.05).
                       Furthermore, the correlation analysis basically showed a positive correlation between immune
                   cells  (Figure  3C).  Similar  positive  correlations  were  also  observed  between  immune  functions

                   (Figure 3D).

                   Figure 3: Immune analysis of patients with severe asthma and healthy subjects. (A) Immune cell
                   scores  of  patients  with  severe  asthma  and  healthy  individuals.  (B)  Immune  function  scores  of
                   patients with severe asthma and healthy individuals. (C) Correlation analysis of immune cells. (D)
                   Correlation analysis of immune functions.

                   3.3 Construction of a prognostic model
                       A PPI network was constructed; it included 80 nodes and 320 edges (Figure 4A). The ten CRs,
                   SMARCB1, CHD8, EP300, SETD1A, KMT2B, KMT2A, SETD2, CHD4, SMARCC1, and SETDB1,

                   in the PPI network with the highest correlations with immune genes and immune functions were
                   further analyzed (Figure 4B). The results showed a negative correlation between SMARCC1 and T
                   helper cells (r = -0.48) and a negative correlation between SETD2 and APC co-inhibition, para-
                   inflammation, treg, and type I IFN responses (r = -0.48, -0.52, -0.55, and -0.49, respectively). There

                   were also positive correlations between KMT2B and APC co-inhibition (r = 0.57) and between
                   CHD8 and mast cells (r = 0.48).

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