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北京京煤集团总医院 第十一届·2023 学术年会论文集
断及分期,对评价 PGIL 临床分期、指导治疗决策及疗效评价等也具有重要价值 [13] 。未来,
[1] Lightner AL,Shannon E,Gibbons MM, et al.Primary Gastroint estinal Non-Hodgkin's
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[6] Swerdlow SH,Campo E,Pileri SA,et a1.The 20 1 6 revision of the World Health Organization
classification of lymphoid neoplasms[J].Blood,2016,127(20):2375-2390
[7] 殷爱红,魏志,孙自勤.胃黏膜相关淋巴样组织淋巴瘤内镜诊治进展.胃肠病学,2016,,
[8] Ishibashi H, Nimura S, Kayashima Y, et al. Endoscopic and clinicopathological characteristics
of gastrointestinal adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma [J]. J Gastrointest Oncol,2019,10 (4):723-733.
[9] Wang W, Lin P, Yao H, et al. Clinical analysis of Primary Gastrointestinal Non -Hodgkin's
Lymphoma [J].Pak J Med Sci,2017,33(6):1406-1411.
[10] ZHANG X, WANG P, ZHAO L, et al. Risk factors and patterns of lymph node involvement in
primary gastric large B-cell lymphoma: implications for target definition[J]. Onco Targets Ther,
2016, 9(1): 4757-4762.
[11] 谷军保,李晓琳,鲍学斌,等.内镜对原发性胃肠道黏膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤和弥漫性
大 B 细胞淋巴瘤的诊断价值[J].中华普通外科杂志,20 1 8,33(6):493-496.
[12] Kim DH,Lee DB,Kim JW,et a1.Endoscopic and clinical analysis of primary T-cell
lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract according to pathological subtype[J]. Journal of
Gastroenterology & Hepatology,2014,29(5): 934-943.
[13] Schizas D,Ntanasis-Stathopoulos I,Tsilimigras DI,et a1. The role of endoscopic ultrasound
in the diagnosis and management of primary gastric lymphoma[J].Gastroen terology Research &
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