Page 99 - 北京京煤集团总医院第十届·2022学术年会论文集
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北京京煤集团总医院 第十届·2022 学术年会论文集
General Hospital from 2016 to 2021 and completed the prescribed course of anti-tuberculosis
treatment were included, excluding the cases of treatment suspension, diagnosis change, or drug
resistance. Patients' demographic characteristics (age, education,drinking history, place of residence,
BMI), sources of patients, and disease characteristics (results of etiological examination, stage of
pneumoconiosis, working years with dust exposure, lesion location of pulmonary tuberculosis,
whether being severe cases, primary or retreatment cases,whether diabetes mellitus or pulmonary
cavity), etc. Were collected,then treatment outcome and influencing factors were analyzed. Results
Among the 122 patients, 30 cases were cured and 73 cases completed the course of treatment. The
treatment success rate was 84.43% (103/122), and the rate of adverse outcome was 15.57% (19/122).
Three cases (2.46%) died of non-tuberculosis, seven (5.74%) died of tuberculosis, one (0.82%)
refused treatment, and eight other cases (6.56%). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed
that patients with stage Ⅰ pneumoconiosis (OR=0.085, 95%CI: 0.013~0.550) and stage Ⅱ
pneumoconiosis (OR=0.156, 95%CI: 0.033~0.746) complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis
were more likely to gain treatment success. Patients aged 51~65 years old (OR=33.311, 95%CI:
2.184~507.947), patients being referred with symptoms or having sought care with symptoms
(OR=14.641, 95%CI: 3.632~59.026), patients with disease condition deemed as severe
(OR=164.962, 95%CI: 25.418~1070.603)were more likely to fail in treatment. Conclusion The
poor treatment outcome of patients with coal worker's pneumoconiosis complicated with pulmonary
tuberculosis was related to referral or seeking care with symptoms, aged 51~65 years old and being
severe cases. We should strengthen the active detection of patients and pay attention to 51~65 years
old patients and severe cases, to improve the treatment success rate and prognosis.
【Key words】 Tuberculosis, pulmonary; Pneumoconiosis; Treatment results; Factor analysis,
2021 年 WHO 报告指出,我国 2020 年结核病登记中,肺结核患者占新患者和复发总计
的 95%,同时病原学阳性患者占 55%, 比 2019 年的 47%有所提高,2019 年登记的新患者和
复发患者治疗成功率 94%, 与 2018 年登记的成功率相同 [1-2] 。积极发现和治愈肺结核患者是
结核的化学药物治疗,在肺结核的控制中起着非常重要的作用 [3-4] 。尘肺结核患者痰中变异
的 L 型结核分枝杆菌、抗酸染色呈阴性及肺部严重纤维化、支气管扭曲变形致痰液引流不
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