Page 356 - 北京京煤集团总医院第十届·2022学术年会论文集
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北京京煤集团总医院 第十届·2022 学术年会论文集
王银荣,付晓宏,徐天伟(北京京煤集团总医院经颅多普勒室 北京 102300)
213 例,观察锁骨下动脉蹼样改变发生的位置、长度、厚度、突向管腔内膜样结构中膜的长
盗血及其程度,总结锁骨下动脉蹼样改变的超声特征。结果:213 例患者共发现 217 例处锁
骨下动脉蹼样改变,其中发生于右侧 195 处(89.9%),左侧 22 处(10.1%);蹼样改变长
度 1.2~8.6mm,厚度 0.5~1.9mm。突向管腔内膜样结构中膜的长轴与锁骨下动脉长轴形成
的夹角中,直角 17 个、钝角 181 个、平角 19 个。蹼样改变对应部位不伴有斑块 97 处,伴
有斑块 120 处。蹼样改变造成管腔轻度狭窄 58 处,中度狭窄 3 处;蹼样改变与斑块共同造
成管腔轻度狭窄 65 处,中度狭窄 11 处,重度狭窄 2 处;78 处无管腔狭窄。蹼样改变造成
隐匿盗血 15 处,部分盗血 6 处;196 处无盗血。结论:锁骨下动脉蹼样改变的超声表现具
Color Doppler ultrasonography characteristics of subclavian artery webbed changes
WANG Yinrong, FU Xiaohong, XU Tianwen
Transcranial Doppler Room, Beijing Jingmei Group General Hospital, Beijing,102300,China
ABSTRACT:Objective To summarize the color Doppler ultrasonography characteristics of
subclavian artery webbed changes(that is,the subclavian artery has a membranous structure
protruding into its lumen. Methods A total of 213 patients with the subclavian artery webbed
changes in our hospital were enrolled. The location,length,thickness of the webbed changes of
the subclavian artery,the angle between the long axis of the membrane protruding into the
intimal structure of the subclavian artery and the long axis of the subclavian artery,the presence
of plaque at the corresponding site of the webbed changes,lumen stenosis,blood steal and its
degree were observed. The ultrasonic characteristics of the webbed change of the subclavian
artery were summarized. Results There were 217 subclavian artery webbed changes in 213
patients,195 (89.9%)on the right side and 22 (10.1%) on the left side. The webbed changes
length 1.2~8.6mm and the thickness 0.5~1.9mm.There were 17 right angles,181 obtuse angles
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