Page 258 - 北京京煤集团总医院第十届·2022学术年会论文集
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北京京煤集团总医院                                              第十届·2022 学术年会论文集


                   [1] American Heart Association Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics 2004 Update. American Heart

                   [2] 李思源,周杰,张鸥,等.冠状动脉钙化的影响因素[J].中华老年多器官疾病杂志,2018,

                   [3] Roijers RB, Debernardi N, Cleutjens JP, et al. Microcalcifications in early intimal lesions of

                   atherosclerotic human coronary arteries. Am J Pathol. 2011 Jun;178(6):2879-87.

                   [4] Mori H, Torii S, Kutyna M, et al. Coronary Artery Calcification and its Progression: What Does

                   it Really Mean? JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018 Jan;11(1):127-142.

                   [5]Greenland  P,LaBree  L,Azen  SP,et  al.  Coronary  artery  calcium  score  combined  with

                   Framingham score for risk prediction in asymptomatic individuals.JAMA,2004,291:210-215.

                   [6] World Health Organization.Definition,diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus and

                   its complications.Report of a WHO consultation.Part1:diagnosis and classification of diabetes


                   [7]  赵心,等.初诊 2 型糖尿病患者血清总骨钙素水平对胰岛 β 细胞功能的影响[J].中华骨质


                   [8]  中华医学会骨质疏松和骨矿盐疾病分会.原发性骨质疏松症诊疗指南(2017)[J].中华骨质

                   [9]  郑少雄,杨正强,等.动脉钙化及其调节机制:与骨代谢的关系(一)[J].国际内分泌代谢杂


                   [10] Greenland P,LaBree L,Azen SP,et al. Coronary artery calcium score combined with

                   Framingham score for risk prediction in asymptomatic individuals. JAMA,2004,291:210-215.

                   [11]  朱利杰,高传玉,杨宏辉,等.2 型糖尿病与冠脉钙化及主要心血管事件的关系[J].医药论坛


                   [12]  刘明明,王磊,华臻,等.糖尿病肾病继发骨质疏松的病因病机[J].中国老年学杂志,2021,


                   [13] Iwamoto Y, Uchida K, Sugino N, et al. Osteoporosis, osteoporotic fractures, and carotid artery

                   calcification detected on panoramic radiographs in Japanese men and women. Oral Surg Oral Med

                   Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2016 Jun;121(6):673-80.

                   [14]  靳永洁,闻红芳,杜晓琴.肥胖糖尿病肾病患者血清甲状旁腺激素及骨密度的研究[J].临床

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