Page 76 - 北京京煤集团总医院第十一届·2023学术年会论文集
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北京京煤集团总医院                                                          第十一届·2023 学术年会论文集

                   of atherosclerosis and the elasticity of blood vessels  are further weakened. Furthermore, blood
                   pressure  fluctuates  greatly,  and  hemodynamics  are  unstable,  which  easily  causes  blood  vessel

                   rupture and bleeding at the cutting site [27] . Diabetes is known to be a risk factor for ischemic disease,
                   but it remains unclear whether it is a risk factor for bleeding  [28] . The current study found that
                   diabetes increases the risk of DPPB, but the underlying mechanism of this relationship has yet to be
                   fully elucidated. This study found that oral antithrombotic drugs and aspirin could increase the

                   incidence of DPPB, which was consistent with the conclusions of Bum Su Choung et al .[19, 21]  and
                   Xianyi Lin et al.  [13, 18, 21] .
                   Regarding polyp-related factors, our study found that when the number of polyps removed was
                   greater than or equal to 3, the risk of DPPB was higher, which was consistent with the conclusions

                   of previous studies  [3, 6] . A higher number of removed polyps was associated with a greater the risk
                   of DPPB. Previous studies have reported that polyp size was one of the important factors affecting
                   the  incidence  of  DPPB [13,  15,  21,  23] .  Our  meta-analysis  also  found  that  a  larger  polyp  size  was
                   associated with a greater risk of DPPB, especially when the size of the removed polyp was greater

                   than  10  mm.  This  association  may  be  due  to  larger  polyps’  size  being  associated  with  more
                   nourishing blood vessels, larger wound caused by resection, a greater extent of damage to blood
                   vessels, and increased difficulty with repairing the blood vessels. Regarding polyp morphology,

                   pedunculated polyp has also been confirmed to be an independent risk factor for DPPB. This effect
                   might be related to the fact that pedunculated polyps usually have large-diameter blood supplying
                   vessels passing through the pedicle to supply blood to the head of the polyp [29] , the involved vessels
                   are thicker [30] , and the exposed vessels after polypectomy lead to an increased risk of bleeding [22] . It

                   remains unclear whether polyp location affects the risk of DPPB after colorectal polypectomy. Que
                   et al. reported that the position of polyps in the right half colon or rectum was a risk factor for
                   delayed postoperative bleeding  [12] . Eleftheriadis D et al. found that delayed bleeding was more
                   likely to occur after right half colon polypectomy  [11] . However, Inagaki Y et al. found that DPPB

                   was more likely to occur when the lesions were in the rectum  . The results of this study showed
                   that the removal of polyps located in the right colon increased the risk of DPPB. Previous studies
                   [15,  18,  19,  22,  23]  suggest that this association may be related to the histological variation in colon
                   location (thinner submucosa) and the different manipulation techniques required at this site  [19].

                   Some factors were significantly correlated with an increased risk of DPPB in the univariate logistic
                   regression analysis but not in the multivariate logistic regression analysis, including cardiovascular
                   history, clopidogrel medication history, polyp number > 3, polyp pathological type malignant tumor,

                   EMR, and HB (protective factor). The reason for this inconsistency may be the existence of a false
                   correlation or indirect correlation between these factors and the occurrence of DPPB. Once other
                   factors are added, the false correlation disappears, indicating that they may not actually be risk
                   factors  for  the  occurrence  of  DPPB.  Furthermore,  this  inconsistency  may  indicate  potential
                   publication bias.

                   5. Conclusion

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