Page 15 - 尚川精机
P. 15


            TP escaping arc clamps are used on bolsters or rams and clamp the die on the side. The clamping surface is
            horizontal. The arc shape of the wedge allows to move in and out on a curved path. As a result, the clamping
            force is vertical and jamming in high temperature situations is eliminated. The clamp is therefore also suitable
            for intensive load applications such as thermoforming.
            The range of models is extensive and has clamps of a force that can reach 630 kN.

             ◎ 外型尺寸 / Outline Dimensions

                           mechanical safety

                最小螺丝位置1.5 x ØM                         (except TP 20 and TP 36)
                minimum screw location: 1.5 x ØM
                                                       4 counter-bored holes for
                                                       CHC Ø M cl 12.9 type screws
                高温后检测                  侧传感器             4 x ØJ     E
                rear detection in high temperature cases   side sensor possible

                                                                        D  B

                                L                           A

                 TP -  XX -  DET  or  DET AR -  Z -  V -  S
                                                                          for specific dimensions,(please attach a drawing)
                                                                     氟橡胶密封件 Viton seals
                                                            油压连接尺寸 hydraulic connection size
                             侧检知 side detection     后部检知 rear detection                                              14
                             夹紧力 clamping force in (kN)

             规格尺寸 Specifications       TP 20             TP 36           TP 60         TP 100      TP 160      TP 250       TP 400       TP 630
             夹紧力   clamping force (kN)  20        36        60       100     160      250     400      630
             重量     weight (kg)        1,95       3,75      7,5      12,8     23      44       84      120
             油容量    oil volume (cm³)    15        26,2      32       57      155      200     494.5    780
             最大流量    max folw rate (1/min)  0,9   1.5       2,1      3,3      5,5     8,4     15.4     24,5
             最大压力 max. working pressure (bars)  200  200    200      200     200      200     200      200
                     A                 106        133       161      189     239      290     325      395
                     B                  63        80        98       120     150      198     240      280
                     C                  45        56        66       80      100      128     160      190
                     D                  43        55        65       85      106      140     180      210
                     E                  10        12,5      16       20       25      26       32      38
                     F                  30        37,5      46       58       75      78       95      108
                     G                  7          9        10       20       25      30       36      44
                     M                 M10        M12      M16       M20     M24     M30      M36      M42
                                     2 X G1/8"  2 X G1/4"  G1/4"    G1/4"    G1/2"   G1/2"   G1/2"    G1/2"
                                    2 x UNF 7/16"  2 x UNF 9/16"  UNF 9/16"  UNF 9/16"  UNF 7/8"  UNF 7/8"  UNF 7/8"  UNF 7/8"
                     K                  56        70        84       100     140      160     180      220
                     H                  16        20        20       20       20      20       40      50
                     X                  16        20        20       20       25      25       30      38
                     L                  -          -        218      246     300      360     428      498
             註:所有尺寸单位均为mm。All dimensions are in millimetres.
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